Friends of Asilong


   Mail:  Friends of Asilong

             5976 S Dunns Farm Rd

             Maple City MI 49664

    Ph:    231-944-8814

    Partnering For

- Educational Initiatives

- Health & Wellbeing

- Economic Empowerment

- Spiritual Formation

- Leadership Development


        (Click for Map)  

Asilong is a village in West Pokot county in northwest Kenya. God has been transforming the community there through the help of Friends of Asilong... become one!

A Christian Mission Partnership for Holistic Development Leading to Sustainable Community Empowerment and Peace

Movie: Asilong - A Transforming Community

Or donate by check:

Friends of Asilong

5976 S Dunns Farm Rd

Maple City MI 49664

Movie: Glen Lake Church - (4-19-2020)


Movie: Glen Lake Church - (4-11-2021)

Movie: March 2022 Mission Trip Update

2022 Year End Letter