Friends of Asilong

Glen Lake Church (GLC) in Glen Arbor, MI has been involved in missions work in West Pokot for more than 20 years. Beginning with Alale, a city two hours north of Asilong, and adding Asilong in 2012. GLC has provided broad support in the two communities for schools, clinics, churchs and missionaries. Andy and Olivia DuPont lead GLC's efforts in Pokot and travel there twice a year as short term missionaries.

Jacob's Well is a part of the larger story of God’s activity in the world. As such, Jacob's Well began their relationship with the Asilong community in 2006. Over the next few years, Jacob’s Well helped fund the drilling of ten water wells in and around Asilong. Through that process, the relationship between our communities grew, and we are currently part of an effort to build a private Christian high school in the community. Likewise, we support the leadership of the school and community in the running of the school. Jacob's Well works in close relationship with its partners in Asilong and those in the United States to follow God's lead in his calling and love for the Pokot people. Learn more about our relationship with Asilong's community

Redeemer Bible Church (Redeemer), located in Fort Worth, Texas, first learned about Asilong (West Pokot) in 2013 and has been connected to the community since then. Redeemer has supported short term mission work, improvements for the Asilong church building, women's ministries, outreach to the young girls in the community with hygiene kits - and through prayer for the Asilong Community.

Church Affiliations

Community of Hope Church and Pastor Rusty Akers have been involved in the Asilong Community since 2008. What began with providing food for the primary school to remain open, has opened up numerous opportunities to serve the community. This includes water projects, the local church, the secondary school and support for local pastors.  We work closely with others in the US to continue to see Asilong become self sustaining in the future.